The following are important dates that will affect your rights:
Deadline to Submit a Claim: Claim Forms must be postmarked by May 14, 2019. To be eligible for a payment, you must timely submit a valid Claim Form, which is available for download.
Deadline to Exclude Yourself From the Class: To exclude yourself from the Class, you must submit a written request for exclusion so that it is received no later than March 22, 2019. If you exclude yourself from the Class, you will not be eligible to receive any payment from the Settlement Fund. This is the only option that allows you ever to be part of any other lawsuit against any of the Defendants or the other Defendants’ Releasees concerning the Released Plaintiffs’ Claims. Please see page 12 of the Notice for instructions on requesting exclusion from the Class.
Deadline to Object to the Settlement: If you do not like the proposed Settlement, the proposed Plan of Allocation, or the request for attorneys’ fees and reimbursement of Litigation Expenses, you may write to the Court and explain why you do not like them. Your written objection must be received no later than March 22, 2019. You cannot object to the Settlement, the Plan of Allocation, or the fee and expense request unless you are a Class Member and do not exclude yourself from the Class. Please see page 13 of the Notice for instructions on submitting an objection.